There Was a Problem With the Update Try Again

If you face the Windows Update fault: "Something went wrong. Endeavour to reopen Settings later" in Windows 10, and so continue reading below to notice out how you tin can resolve the problem. The mistake "Something went wrong. Endeavour to reopen Settings later on" usually appears when the Windows Update folder is corrupted or when one the needed Windows Update services are disabled.

FIX Something went wrong. Try to reopen Settings later in Windows Update

This tutorial contains instructions, on how to solve the error "Something went wrong. Attempt to reopen Settings afterward" in Windows 10 Update.

How to FIX Windows Update trouble: Something went incorrect. Effort to reopen Settings afterward.

Method i. Re-Download the Windows Update(s).

The most effective solution to troubleshoot Windows update problems, is to strength Windows to download the updates from scratch. To do that:

Step one: STOP the Windows Update Service.

one. Open Windows Services control panel: To do that:

    1. Press Windows image_thumb8_thumb + R keys to open up the run command box.
    2. In the Search box, type: services.msc   & click OK.


2. In Services command console locate the "Windows Update" service.
3. Right-click on Windows Update service and select "Stop".

stop windows update service

Step 2: Delete the SoftwareDistribution folder.

i. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to: C:\Windows folder.
2. Discover and Delete the "SoftwareDistribution" folder (or rename it. e.g. to "SoftwareDistributionOLD") . *

* Notation: If you cannot delete the folder, start Windows in Rubber Mode.


Stride three: Kickoff the Windows Update Service.

1. Open up Windows Services control console.
ii. Right-click on Windows Update service and select "Start".

start windows update service

Step 4. Get to Windows Update options and and click Bank check for Updates.

Method 2. Enable the Required Windows Update Services by modifying Registry.

In guild to turn on Windows 10 updates, you have to enable the below mentioned services from Windows Registry:

  • Update Orchestrator Service (UsoSvc)
  • Windows Update Medic Service (WaaSMedicSvc)
  • Windows Update Service (wuauserv)

1. Press Windows image + R keys to open the run control box.
ii. Type regedit  and printing Enter.

registry editor

iii. In Windows registry editor locate the following cardinal:


4. Look at the right pane and double click at Outset DWORD value.

Windows Update - Something went wrong

5. Change the value data from the default value 4 to 2 and click OK. *

* Service Startup States according the "Start" DWORD Value:
0 = Boot
i = System
ii = Automated
3 = Transmission
iv = Disabled


half dozen. Perform the same actions and change the value data of Start DWORD value, from 4 to ii on the following keys:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WaaSMedicSvc
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv

7. When done, close registry editor and restart your computer.
eight. Navigate to Windows Update and run into if the mistake "Windows Update Something went wrong. Endeavor to reopen Settings later" has been resolved.

Method 3. Restore Windows Update settings to Default with StopUpdates10 utility.

StopUpdates10 is a free programme that can block the Windows updates in Windows ten by modifying the organization settings. Instead of that, the plan can restore back the required settings and services in society to re-enable the updates in Windows x.

1. Download and install the StopUpdates10 tool on your PC.
2. At the last footstep of the installation, go on checked only the Launch StopUpdates10 option and click Terminate.


3. Click the Restore Windows Updates button.


4. When the operation is completed, close the StopUpdates10 application and restart your PC.
5. After restart, navigate to Windows Update center and see if the error persists. If everything is OK, uninstall the StopUpdates10 tool and you're set.

Method four. Repair Windows 10.

The next method to resolve the mistake "Something went incorrect. Try to reopen Settings later on" in Windows update, is to repair Windows by using the SFC and the DISM commands. To do that:

1. Open Control Prompt as Ambassador.
2. In command prompt give the following dism control and press Enter:

  • DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

repair windows update corruptions

3. When the DISM functioning is completed, type the following control and striking Enter:

  • sfc /scannow

scan repair system files

4. Now wait until the System File Checker repairs the Windows System Files.
v. When this done, restart your computer and see if the problem is solved.

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