How Long Were the Children of David and Louise Turpin Family Chained

DAVID and Louise Turpin made headlines in 2018 subsequently it was revealed they imprisoned and abused their children.

Now, the Turpin's are behind bars and their children have spoken out for the first time.

 The Turpin family made headlines in 2018 after the children were rescued from imprisonment and abuse


The Turpin family made headlines in 2018 subsequently the children were rescued from imprisonment and corruption

What happened to the children found in Perris, California?

David and Louise Turpin'southward children had been chained to filthy beds and forced to alive in squalor for years.

They were fed only in one case a day, allowed to shower just once a year, and were deprived of toys and games.

The parents had starved them to the point that they stopped growing, and suffered from musculus shrinkage.

The kids lived on bologna and peanut butter sandwiches while their parents ate take-out, co-ordinate to People.

While the parents ate well, they cruelly tormented their starving kids by leaving apple and pumpkin pies on the kitchen counter, but not letting them accept any, said Riverside County District Attorney Mike Hestrin.

They had to sleep during the day and were agile for only a few hours at night.

The Turpins imprisoned the children in a house that appeared neatly kept exterior, but festered with filth and reeked of man waste.


Cops discovered the kids in a nighttime and foul-smelling house about lxx miles due east of Los Angeles on January 14, 2018.

The victims were severely underweight and hadn't bathed for months.

They described beingness browbeaten, starved, and put in cages.

The children spent most of their fourth dimension locked in their room.

Shocked authorities said they had been confined to the house of horrors - chained to article of furniture, starved, and often deprived of the use of a toilet.

Some of the victims were then detached they didn't sympathise the concept of a police officer or medicine.

Investigators concluded that the couple'south youngest child, a toddler, was the only one who was non abused.

Riverside County Sheriff'due south Office said in Jan 2018: "Deputies located what they believed to be 12 children inside the firm, just were shocked to discover that vii of them were actually adults.

"The victims appeared to exist malnourished and very dirty."

Pictures showed filth-caked carpets and doors covered with the kids' scratches.

All the children's names begin with the letter J, according to court documents that didn't provide their full names.

After they were removed by cops, more than $500,000 in donations were raised past local groups for their care.

The funds helped provide medical and dental intendance, educational assistance, and other services for the driveling siblings.

What have the children said about the corruption?

For the first time since their 2018 rescue, two of the Turpin sisters spoke out on a 20/xx special.

Hashemite kingdom of jordan Turpin, the sibling that called 911, and her sister Jennifer sabbatum down with ABC's Diane Sawyer and described what life was like in what many telephone call the "House of Horrors."

"My whole body was shaking," Jordan recalled to Diane about calling 911. "...I recall it was us coming close to death so many times."

Calculation, "Information technology was literally now or never."

Jennifer Turpin told Sawyer: "I was afraid to do one little matter wrong.

"If I did one little thing wrong I was going to exist beaten. And not only beat, beat out until I bled."

Body camera footage showed Hashemite kingdom of jordan telling the officer four years agone: "This is the scariest thing I've ever washed."

When officer Anthony Colace asked if Jordan had pictures of what she was talking about, she showed him.

Jordan showed him a photo she took of her sisters who were chained up.

She said in the bodycam video that they were chained up because they "stole food."

The 2-hour episode aired on November xix, 2021, on ABC.

How erstwhile are the children and where are they now?

When regime starting time found the children, they ranged from 2 to 29 years old.

All the same, it remains unclear how old they are now as non much information about the children has been released.

At the time of their rescue, Child Protective Services (CPS) and Adult Protective Services (APS) were called and the siblings were given food and drinkable later they were found emaciated.

Riverside County Deputy District Attorney Kevin Beecham told People in 2020: "They're all happy.

"They are moving on with their lives."

It was later reported by the Desert Sun that the Turpin children were able to cope with the coronavirus pandemic, as they had been forced to spend most of their lives indoors and fugitive other people.

Jack Osborn, the adult siblings' attorney, said: "Covid-nineteen makes information technology challenging but they're in school and but living normal lives.

"They grew up non going exterior. Information technology's weird for them now, but it's something they're doing OK with."

The paper reports that the adult Turpin siblings still live in areas across Southern California.

They were said to all the same be adjusting to "traditional lifestyles later years of abuse and imprisonment at the hands of their parents."

Where are David and Louise at present?

In Feb 2019, both parents pleaded guilty to 14 felony counts including cruelty to a dependent adult, child cruelty, torture, and imitation imprisonment.

As a result, they were sentenced to 25 years to life in prison with the possibility of parole in 22 years.

David is now 60 years old while his wife is 53 years old.

At their sentencing, David'south chaser read a prepared argument that said he, "never intended for any damage to come to my children…. I hope the very all-time for my children in their futurity."

Louise added, "I want to say I am sorry for everything I have washed. I beloved my children so much… I pray for my children every day. I am truly pitiful for everything I take done to hurt them. I love them more than they can ever imagine."

 For the first time, Jordan Turpin is speaking out about the abuse with her sister on a new episode of 20/20


For the starting time time, Jordan Turpin is speaking out most the abuse with her sister on a new episode of twenty/xx Credit: ABC

How did the constabulary find the 13 children?

Two of the Turpins' imprisoned children made a bid for freedom early January 14, 2018.

However, one sibling became too scared and returned habitation, while the 2nd, their 17-year-old daughter, called 911 for help.

The teenage daughter who escaped had jumped from a window.

After a lifetime in isolation, she did not know her address, the month of the year, or what the give-and-take "medication" meant.

Just she knew enough to punch 911 into a barely workable cellphone and began describing years of abuse to a constabulary dispatcher.

She said in a high-pitched vox: "They will wake up at night and they will start crying and they wanted me to call somebody."

The daughter added: "I wanted to phone call y'all and so y'all can help my sisters."

She had planned the escape for two years, Riverside Canton regime said.

The and then-teen was hailed equally a hero for liberating her siblings by Jack Osborn, the lawyer representing the vii adult Turpin kids.

Police said they initially assumed she was just ten years quondam because she was then emaciated.

She told the authorities her 12 brothers and sisters were being held captive and that some were spring with bondage and padlocks.

Neighbours tell of their shock after teen'due south escape leads to discovery of 13 malnourished victims beingness held captive in ​Californian ​dwelling house


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